The God-Centered Homeschool
“The GOD-Centered Homeschool is a great resource with hands on examples for parents who want to help their children see how God is the center of each subject they study.”
– Robert Bortins, CEO Classical Conversations “What an empowering book! The God-Centered Homeschool provides parents with not only the ‘why’ to center your homeschool around God, but also the ‘how’ to practically implement that in your home immediately.”
– Melissa Pryer, Homeschool Mom, Illinois “I see this issue all around us in the homeschool community. In trying to make sure we have Jesus in our [homeschool] day, He becomes curriculum rather than our curriculum growing from Him! Thank you for tackling the subject so thoroughly.”
– Stacey Kirk, Homeschool Mom, Georgia From the author: “Over the last ten years, I have had the wonderful experience of interacting with hundreds of homeschooling parents. In one role, God gave me the opportunity to ask several hundred homeschooling moms (and the occ
List Price: $ 12.87
Price: $ 12.42