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Disadvantages of Homeschooling

New Homeschool Conference in Dallas, TX – Teach Them Diligently (Sprittibee)

If you have been a reader here for any length of time you’ll know that: 1. I’m a Christian homeschool mom. 2. I’m an event and portrait photographer. 3. I enjoy conventions. Especially ones that encourage me in my passions (homeschooling, photography and blogging included). I also love a homeschool convention in TEXAS (I’ve been […]

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The Choice to Homeschool – Wicked Local (blog)

The Choice to HomeschoolWicked Local (blog)NOT because of an “anti” issue, but because homeschool is the choice we want to make for her. Public school has many benefits for children and families. So does homeschool. Public school has disadvantages. So does homeschool. As a side-note, as a …and more »

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Homeschool Update

Questions and Answers

Homeschool information?Im doing a paper on the side effects of homeschooling kids and i was wondering if anyone knew good books or websites that point out flaws to homeschooling kids.

Posted by Jim W
[display_name id=”1″]I don’t think there are any books are websites that prove homeschooling is detrimental to kids, because it really is a viable option that can work out well for children.

However, there are pros and cons to homeschooling, as well as some social, academic and economic disadvantages. Here are some links that contain more detail:


Hope this helps!

Are homeschool students disadvantaged when going to college?I understand the value of specializing the education process to fit the student’s learning style and the 1:1 teacher/student ratio. However, when I went to college, the teaching model was even more extreme then the public classroom. There you find 1:100 or more teacher/student ratio. If a student is only use to a 1:1 ratio environment of learning will they know how to learn in a one to many environment with a professor who has very little interest or attentivness in the “individual” students ability to learn or learning style?

Posted by lamborgini
[display_name id=”1″]I agree with Frankie that doing well in college is mostly about study skills. However, I do think that smaller classes are a definite advantage, but that homeschooled students are at no disadvantage in them. I went to a major university. I had freshman lectures of over 300 students. Because students can’t ask questions, have discussions, that’s why those classes have “sections” where you’d meet with a TA for a smaller class. College is a huge jump for all new students, homeschooled or not. It might make it easier to go to a community college and wet your feet, but get to a top tier university and everyone struggles. I know, I went to both and the experience and level of competition is not comparable. My community college was only a little more advanced than my high school. Some private universities really make a lot of accommodations and provide an amazing amount of support for their students. I learned that as a graduate student at a private university after coming from my public university with over 30,000 undergrads. There were a lot more ready for my spot if I wasn’t going to put it to good use.

Personally, I think that most freshmen are unprepared for those mega-lectures, homeschooled or not, it doesn’t make a difference. Try going from 30 to 300. It’s a major jump. The things that I think make a difference are students who are too directed and coddled by their parents as high schoolers. In schooled kids, this usually shows up in the children of the well-to-do whose parents will spare no expense getting Jr. Into the best university and who fuss at teachers who might dare to give their prodigy a B. In homeschooled students, it’s the ones who are repeatedly told by mom and dad how they are far superior to all schooled students and that they are close to perfect and can do no wrong. . When parents treat their kids as though they can do no wrong, the world is a harsh place. No one else coddles them. It’s a shock when no one but mom or dad is overly impressed. These people exist in every group. Ask any university about “helicopter parents”. When life doesn’t pamper them they turn into slackers.

Homeschooling?This is a question to everyone out there being homeschooled. Do you like it, and what are the advantages / disadvantages?

Posted by Nick
[display_name id=”1″]We absolutely love the advantages of being a homeschool family. We’re able to set our own schedule. Each child can study topics that actually interest them. We can present new material in ways that compliment their learning style. The kids are able to participate in a myriad of extra-curriculur activities. Our children love learning.

The only disadvantage I can think of is dealing with people (like a few of the posters above) who have no knowledge or facts to support their opinion on the subject.

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