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Christian Homeschool Programs

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Panel has questions about Sweet Home budget – Albany Democrat Herald

Panel has questions about Sweet Home budgetAlbany Democrat HeraldSWEET HOME — Next year's proposed budget currently includes all-day kindergarten, but members of the Sweet Home School District budget committee told Superintendent Don Schrader Monday they still have questions about it. The committee will continue to …and more »

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Homeschool Behind-The-Scenes

Questions and Answers

Should I be concerned about my younger brother's Christian homeschool program?

He's a 20-year-old high school dropout. He started dating a girl from a religious family. He decided to enroll in this girl's homeschool program. They are teaching him weird things like Catholicism, Mormon, and JW are a cult. They taught him that Catholic nuns are the demographic with the highest abortin rates. That Catholics invented no meat on Fridays because they own the fish markets. Should I be worried? He also complains to the girl's father about me being an Atheist. He happens to be a minister. He has encouraged my brother to distance himself from me.
He believes a Christian home school diploma is better than a GED. They all end up at the same community colleges though. I don't see his point.
We don't live with our parents. My brother and I live in seperate places as well.

Posted by Itrolla
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It sounds like what they are saying is incorrect, however it is ultimately his choice. Be concerned but ALWAYS loving to him.

I am a Christian, one of Jehovah's Witnesses, with 2 stubborn brothers.

I have often seen that they WILL make the mistakes they want to, whether I think they should or not. Sometimes it works out well, usually not.

How would I find graduation records from 2001 from a closed-down Christian homeschool program?

My coworker needs a copy of her diploma to stay employed. She graduated in 2001 through an accredited and recognized home school academy. They have since shut down operations, and she has no way to contact anyone. She has tried contacting state and county Depts. Of Education, education boards, and the department of records to see if they can direct her to someone, but this has lead nowhere. Google searches, white pages, and yellow pages have not helped either.

She has no info other than the academy program's name, old location before shutdown, and a pastor that was there (that could very well be dead by now).

Posted by seeking_answers
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If she was enrolled in a distance learning Christian homeschool program, the school should have given her the diploma and her high school transcripts upon graduation. If her parents purchased curriculum from the the program and homeschooled her using this program's curriculum without enrolling her in the diploma program, then it's her parents responsibility to create her high school transcripts and giver her a diploma if desired. If she graduated from this program, it's a little late to request a diploma from them now. Her parents should have been asking for the diploma when she was finished. I know many, many homeschoolers who choose to enroll their high school students in a distance learning program and they received their diploma and official high school transcripts in 2-4 weeks of submitting their final course work.
If Mom/Dad were involved in her education in this program, they can always try to recreate her high school transcripts showing all course work completed in high school. Here's a transcript template:
Some homeschool parents make and print a diploma
Others purchase a diploma Http://www.nexternal.com/hslda/for-your-…
I'm not sure if they will post date the printed diploma to 2001, but you can purchase the blank diploma and get someone to fill it out in calligraphy or on a printer.

Thousands of homeschoolers have entered colleges, universities, even the Ivy Leagues and the Armed forces with similar credentials since the late 1980s. My children all have diplomas signed by their parents, and no one has ever questioned them, nor even looked at them for that matter. Their transcripts verify completion of high school, courses taken, and their GPA.

What are some great homeschool programs?

I would like to know a couple programs that I can check out that let you do multiple years in one or in half the time or something.

Posted by Lina
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Charity Christian Academy requires placement testing and then allows you to go at your own pace. The majority of students graduate from high school in three years.

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