Aside from spending a lot of time reading and writing, which was enough for me to win several spelling bees, I will have to refer you to some sites that provide advice and suggestions for enhancing your spelling skills. Most advise studying your dictionary, playing Scrabble, perusing the Paideia, and scrutinizing the Consolidated Word List:The Consolidated Word List (all words in over 100 Scripps National Spelling Bees, dating back to 1950) Http://…
How to Prepare for a Spelling Bee Http://…
How to Spell Like a Champ Http://…
The Spelling List And Word Study Resource Book Http://…
Merriam-Webster’s Vocabulary Builder by Mary W. Cornog Http://…
Spelling Bee Preparation Http://…
Tricks and Tips for Spelling Bee Success Http://…
Resources for Spelling Bee Preparation Http://…
How to Study for a Spelling Bee Http://…
How to Be a Spelling Bee Champion Http://…
Spelling Bee Tips Http://